• Hannah Schilling
    Recovery Connections is a community forum where mental health, addiction and recovery professionals, and anyone in need can find support, resources, and community guidance for helping people recover from addiction.

    We hope that treatment coordinators, outreach coordinators, treatment specialists, peer support professionals, counselors, and other professionals whose goal and mission is to provide high quality treatment for individuals with substance use disorder will benefit from this.

    This site serves a platform for us, as professionals, to network with one another and build relationships that foster a culture of service and commitment. Additionally, members are encouraged to share any recovery related resources, events, career opportunities and continuing education events.

    This group has been created by other substance use professionals, and serves a platform where we can help one another, but most importantly, help those still suffering from Substance Use Disorder. It is a place where we can help each other, find inspiration, guidance, and have fun.

    Please remember to keep any identifying details LIMITED, especially in regard to patient-sensitive information. We must always comply with HIPAA standards.

    Everyone can benefit from your experience, expertise, and resources. We look forward to learning and growing from your contributions.
  • Billy Golden
    Hi there, just wanted to send out a quick introduction- my name is Billy, and I work as a Harm Reduction Coordinator at Caracole. Thanks for getting the forum/site going.
  • Hannah Schilling
    Welcome Billy, and thanks for joining! I look forward to collaborating with you. Your experience and knowledge base are so valuable to the group. Please feel free to add any content and also put your contact information in the index section!
  • Anna Burrage
    Hi all
    I am Anna with The Unity Center of Cincinnati. I have enjoyed being a part of this group where so much sincere support occurs.
    I wanted to share an opportunity for those who want to keep going on all those New Year Promises for improvement. This opportunity is called W.R.A.P. Wellness Recovery Action Plan. Join me to fulfill plans for great two days to a better tomorrow
  • Tara Cain
    Hello, My name is, Tara, and I am a certified peer recovery supporter. I work with the Empower Project. I am the Stakeholder Training Lead. I also am a Peer Mentor Intern for Easter Seals Redwood Project Power. I am currently in training to become a CHW. I will be doing the CDCA training in June too. I am a huge advocate for harm reduction and I am passionate about finding ways to lessen stigma in the medical/recovery field that still exists. I am just happy to be here.
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